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[Dataset] Multi Session Dataset list-up

[MSC(Multi Session Chat)]


Data Composition

  • train
    • personas
    • dialog
      • text
      • id
    • previous_dialogs
      • personas
      • dialog
      • time_num: 1, 7, ...
      • time_unit: "hour", "days", ...
  • valid
  • test

Session-level summary

Session 1 ["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter."],
["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants."]
Session 2 ["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter."],
["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants."]
Session 3 ["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter."],
["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants.", "I go on runs. I may join the gym. I might get a treadmill. There is a new gym near me. There are no running clubs near me.", "It rains a lot where I live."]

["I like to go to the gym."],
["I go on runs. I may join the gym.", "It rains a lot where I live.", "I might get a treadmill.", "There is a new gym near me.", "There are no running clubs near me."]
Session 4 ["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter.", "I lift weights at the gym."],
["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants.", "I go on runs. I may join the gym. I might get a treadmill. There is a new gym near me. There are no running clubs near me. I go to the gym.", "It rains a lot where I live.", "I'm a pretty plain person."]

["I lift weights at the gym.", "I live in New England."],
["I go to the gym.", "I'm a pretty plain person.", "I like to run. It rains a lot where I live.", "I come from Alaska."]
Session 5 ["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job. I do not find my job very interesting.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter.", "I lift weights at the gym. I like to work out alone, without a workout partner."],
["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer. I am tired of sitting in front of a computer all day. I work from 8 to 5.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants.", "I go on runs. I may join the gym. I might get a treadmill. There is a new gym near me. There are no running clubs near me. I go to the gym.", "It rains a lot where I live.", "I'm a pretty plain person.", "I am joining a gym near me. I am looking forward to getting in shape. I prefer to work out alone."]

["I belong to a gym.", "I like to work out alone, without a workout partner.", "I have a job. I do not find my job very interesting."],
["I am joining a gym near me.", "I am looking forward to getting in shape. I run.", "I prefer to work out alone.", "I work as a programmer. I am tired of sitting in front of a computer all day.", "I work from 8 to 5."]

* Session별 replace, delete 없이 add되는 summary로 구성되어 있음


Opening session question

Session 1 What kind of car do you own? I have a jeep.
I don't own my own car! I actually really enjoying walking and running, but then again, I live in a small town and semi-close to work.
Session 2 Did you manage to go out on a run today?
Yes I actually was able too. I am considering joining the local gym. Do you prefer going to the gym?
Session 3 Did you check out that new gym in town?
Yeah, I did. I'm not sure I like the vibe there, though.
Session 4 Any luck with the search for a new gym?
Yes, I am joining the one near me. It is open 24 hours so I can go whenever I want. Have you kept up with going to the gym?
Session 5 How did it go with the gym signup?
It went pretty well. It actually went better than I expected.  Signing up for the gym is just step one.



[Conversation Chronicles]


Data Composition

  • train
    • relationship
    • time_interval: Start, A few months later, A few hours later, A couple of years after, ...
    • summary
    • first_session_dialogue
    • second_sesion_dialogue
    • third_session_dialogue
    • fourth_session_dialogue
    • fifth_session_dialogue
  • valid
  • test


Session-level summary

None (All-session summary)


Opening session question

Session 1 "Hi there, how are you doing today?"
"Hi. I'm doing good, thanks for asking. How about you?"
Session 2 "That looks like an interesting book, do you mind if I take a look?"
"Sure, go ahead! I just finished that chapter anyways."
Session 3 "Hey there, did you see me riding my bike in the neighborhood on Saturday?"
"Yeah, I did! You looked like you were having a lot of fun. Do you ride your bike often?"
Session 4 "It's nice to be back in the neighborhood after all these years living with my grandparents."
"Yes, it's good to have you back. How are your grandparents doing?"
Session 5 "Ugh, my boss keeps calling me on my days off. It's so annoying."
"Have you tried talking to him about it?"


[Naver carecall]


Data Composition

  • train
    • guid: interactive-0-S1, interactive-0-S2, ..., interactive-0-S5
    • dialogue
    • memory
    • summary
  • valid
  • test

Session-level summary

Session 1 "He/She is exercising because he/she has diabetes",
"He/She takes medicine",
"He/She hasn't eaten yet"
Session 2  "He/She is exercising because he/she has diabetes",
 "He/She takes medicine",
 "He/She hasn't eaten yet"

"He/She goes to the mountains",
"He/She has diabetes, so he/she takes medicine every morning",
"He/She sleeps well",
"He/She is eating well"
Session 3 "He/She is exercising because he/she has diabetes",
"He/She has diabetes, so he/she takes medicine every morning",
"He/She sleeps well",
"He/She is Eating well"

"He/She takes his/her diabetes mellitus well",
"He/She sleeps well",
"He/She doesn't eat well because he/she has a bad appetite"
Session 4 "He/She is exercising because he/she has diabetes",
"He/She has diabetes, so he/she takes medicine every morning",
"He/She sleeps well",
"He/She doesn't eat well because he/she has a bad appetite"

"He/She is not sick at all",
"He/She doesn't have a bad taste"
Session 5 "He/She is exercising because he/she has diabetes",
 "He/She has diabetes, so he/she takes medicine every morning",
 "He/She is not sick at all",
 "He/She sleeps well",
 "He/She doesn't have a bad taste"

 "He/She's on diabetes medication",
 "His feet are asleep, so he/she can't sleep well",
 "He/She's going to the hospital to take his/her sugar level",
 "His feet are asleep because of diabetes",
 "He/She is eating well"


Opening session question

Session 1 Hello, sir, i'm calling from the administrative welfare center.
Session 2 상동
Session 3 상동
Session 4 상동
Session 5 상동




'Reference' 카테고리의 다른 글

Blenderbot 2.0: Long-term memory module  (0) 2023.01.27